Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Beautiful Place We Live and The Beautiful Things We See

Eastern Garter Snake

A Handful of Squirrels

Love me some baby squirrels!

Steve the Coon

I said we'd never have another raccoon in our home. It's like having a teddy bear come to life, except it's a wild teddy bear!

Steve was the sweetest little guy, although I suffered a painful eye injury from his playful aggression...

I had to post the video of his time with us to share some of our precious moments together. Sorry the photo quality is poor!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Eggs Have Hatched!!!

So today I'm watching the nest outside our kitchen window and I notice that the mother cardinal has flown away.

I'm hoping that her eggs have hatched and she's out picking up dinner for her new family. I was able to peek inside her nest while she was away and snap two fast pictures:

There were two eggs and now you can see two things in this nest. The strange thing is that one baby is much larger than the other. But if you click here and take a look at the eggs, you will see that one is almost twice the size of the other. I did not see the larger baby move, but the smaller one was flapping it's wings and opening it's beak as if I were it's mother feeding it.

They are 1-2 days old (I checked the nest 2 days ago and the eggs hadn't hatched yet.)

I love this time of year and the beautiful animals we get to see! You will be seeing more photos as they develop!

"Honey, I'm Home! And I've Got a Surprise for You!"

Why wouldn't we want a rat snake in our home as a pet?

That's the question I get from my husband in our living room after he begins to untie the "snake case" (which was my pillow case before he removed it from our linens closet).

I chase Michael shaking my finger at him all the way out of the house. I'm not having him release snakes in our home to crawl around any more!

Michael loves reptiles, especially snakes. I don't mind snakes if they are non-venomous. I do, however, (just for the record) do mind it when my husband releases a live non-venomous snake into my bed while I'm sleeping. I will say that I don't think he will do that again.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Baby Opossums Peeping Outside Their Mother's Pouch

I've never seen a baby opossum before. Even with these photos, you may have to take my word for it that they are SO stinkin' cute!

Three (of at least 6, I would guess) babies popped their heads out. One actually came out to play for a while.

In the video below one of the babies is super tired and keeps yawning. So cute! Another tries to crawl out but the mother stops it by moving her leg.